The University of Sri Jayewardenepura is located in a beautiful setting at Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, fifteen kilometers away from Colombo. The University is committed to the pursuit and transmission of knowledge through teaching, scholarship and research and active service to the community in an environment which values creativity, freedom of intellectual thought and expression, equal opportunity, fairness and professional growth.
Univeristy of Sri Jayewardenepura was established by the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka under the provisions of Universities Act No 16 of 1978. It is an autonomous university established under the provisions of this Act and the following subsequent amending Acts.
Academic and administrative functions of the University as well as policy planning are taken by the Official Boards empowered under the University Act. The Administrative Council, Senate, Faculty Boards, and Post-graduate Academic Boards are the Officials Boards of the University.Decisions of these Boards are put into effect by the various officers of the University.

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